
Categorie-archieven: Lifestyle

How Long Should my CV be

Unlock the secrets to making a standout CV for the Dutch job market! From Linkedln strategies to ATS, this guide has you covered.

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Learn Dutch as an International Student

Toni has officially completed his first month of Dutch lessons. Tune in as he shares his ups and down as well as some tips.

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Learn Dutch as an international student in the Netherlands

Toni shares his story on why he started learning Dutch. Stay tuned to learn more about his journey and maybe get inspired to give it a try.

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Looking for Housing in the Netherlands

Welcome, international students, to the baffling world of housing in the Netherlands! Here’s an informative guide to help you navigate the Dutch housing market

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Housing Email

We all know that looking for housing can be a huge pain, from looking for room, to sending the perfect email.

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Kijkavonds and Viewings

We all know that looking for housing can be a huge pain, from looking for room, to sending the perfect email, to then having to wow at a viewing or kijkavonds

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Winter in the Netherlands

Tips and Tricks for surviving your Dutch Winter like a Dutch pro, So gear up, eat some erwtensoep and head outside and enjoy your winter.

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Wokring in the Netherlands post Graduation

Tips and Tricks on Navigating Post-Study Life in the Netherlands and advice with recent graduate Belén

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We at International Students Work (ISW) are on a mission…

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Cold Temperature in the Netherlands

Are you already freezing? The Dutch Winter is right around…

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