
Author Archives: Gabriel Zahra

Finding a job in finance

You might wonder about working whilst being a student, but…

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How to get a BSN

So, you’ve made it to the land of windmills, tulips,…

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Student Budget and Saving Money

Welcome to the land of windmills, tulips, and bicycles. If…

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Cooking on a Budget

Between perfecting Bike riding abilities (and surviving the rare rainstorm)…

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Dutch Learning

Hello everyone. It’s Toni and I’m back with a new…

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Huurtoeslag, Rent Benefit

Greetings, International Trailblazers! Today, we’re here to disentangle the web…

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Holiday Pay in the Netherlands

Hey, there! If you’re an international student in the Netherlands…

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summer job in the netherlands

A summer job in the Netherlands provides more than simply a wage. It’s a step into a broader world, full of new challenges and more money.

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contracts different types of work contracts

Thinking about working in the Netherlands? Then check out this blog and learn about all the different types of Dutch Employment contracts.

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learn Dutch

Explore practical tips and tricks to learn Dutch outside the classroom, including media usage, pronunciation, and understanding colloquial expressions.

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