
Privacy policy

Our vision on privacy

International Students Work is a trade name of K2WORK B.V. 

Protecting the personal data we process is very important to us. We process personal data of our customers, potential customers with whom we have made or want to make contact, recipients of any newsletters and of all other persons who contact us.  

When processing personal data in the Netherlands, we are bound by the General Data Protection Regulation  (‘AVG’) as of 25 May 2018. In these privacy regulations we explain how we protect your privacy and how we deal with your personal data. Do you have any questions about these privacy regulations? These privacy regulations explain how you can contact us.

Who processes your personal data?

These privacy regulations deal with the processing of personal data by International Students Work as the data controller. Our company is located in Nijmegen at the following address: Geert Grooteplein Noord 9. You can reach us by phone during office hours at +316 46 00 84 60 or by email at karel@internationalstudentswork.nl. 

What personal data do we process?

Personal data is data that says something about you or data that can be associated with you. Everything that can be done with your personal data, for example the collection, storage, use, transfer or deletion of your data, is called ‘processing’ of personal data. We process personal data that you provide to us yourself, for example by creating an account on our website. These are contact details and other personal data. For example, your name, address, postcode, place of residence, telephone number, email address, company name, date of birth and other information necessary to provide our services. This may also include personal data that we obtain from other sources, such as personal data from the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce, the Land Registry and personal data that is available on public (business) websites. We may also receive personal data from other parties. 

For what purposes and on what basis do we process your personal data?

To be able to perform our work properly, we need and have to process your personal data. We process your personal data if this is necessary for the execution of the agreement in which you have commissioned us or when you create an account on our website. In addition, your contact details will be placed in our customer system and may – if you have given us permission – be used for sending newsletters, for example. Depending on the nature of your case, other personal data than your contact details may also be necessary. We may also process your personal data if we have a legitimate interest to do so and only if this processing of personal data does not have a disproportionate impact on your privacy. 

How do we handle your personal data?

We have taken measures to secure your personal data and to prevent misuse. For example, we ensure that the system in which we store your personal data is sufficiently secure.  

How long do we keep your personal data?

We take great care to ensure that all your data is carefully stored and protected. We have a retention policy that sets out how long we retain personal data. We do not retain your data any longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was processed, and in addition to that, we also comply with the statutory retention periods. We keep client files containing personal data for a maximum of 10 years after the assignment has ended, unless there are reasons to keep the file longer. 

Do we share your personal data with third parties?

In principle, we do not share your personal data with third parties. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to share your personal data with third parties. For example, it may be necessary to share your personal data with judicial authorities or with an opposing party. It may also be necessary to share your personal data in order to conclude an agreement or notarial deed. Data may also be shared with contractors engaged by us, such as a bailiff. Furthermore, there may be legal obligations which require us to share your personal data with third parties. If a court judgment obliges us to provide personal data to third parties, we will have to comply with it. Your personal data will not be shared with third parties for commercial purposes, unless you give us your explicit permission to do so. 

View or modify your personal data?

Do you want to know which personal data we have recorded about you? You can request from International Students Work an overview of the personal data that have been or are being processed about you. If you find that your personal data are processed incorrectly or incompletely or you do not find it necessary that certain personal data are processed, you can submit a request for modification, supplementation or removal to International Students Work. Furthermore, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and you have the right to data transfer. In addition, you have the right to withdraw a granted consent for the processing of your personal data. This is for example the case when you receive our newsletter.  

If you send us such a request, we will inform you as soon as possible, but in any case within 4 weeks after receipt of your request, about the actions we have taken.  

For questions or complaints about the processing of personal data by International Students Work you can send an e-mail to [email protected] or address your written requests to: 

International Students Works 
Access request personal data 
Groenestraat 294 
6531 JC Nijmegen 

Complaints supervisor

The Authority for the Protection of Personal Data monitors whether companies comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. If you believe that we do not comply with the applicable privacy legislation, please contact us. We will be happy to help you find a solution. Irrespective of that, you always have the right to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Authority. 

About these privacy regulations

The regulations governing privacy law change regularly. Our privacy policy is never completely finished. We keep our policy up to date. International Students Work can therefore amend these privacy regulations from time to time. If these changes are also important for you, we will draw your attention to this or make the changes known to you in a conspicuous way. The most recent version of our privacy regulations can always be found on my website. These privacy regulations were last changed on May 19th 2022.